The last thing any Homeowner wants to learn is that their property is in a FEMA flood hazard area or FEMA floodplain. What you should know if your property is within the FEMA floodplain.
Even if your property is within the floodplain, there’s a chance that not all of your property is at risk. You may be eligible for relief from purchasing Flood Hazard Insurance. Many Homeowners are being told their homes are now located in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) due to updated mapping used in FEMA flood studies. This may not necessarily be true. The mapping may show your home within the floodplain boundary, but the elevation of the grade around your home may be above the mapped floodplain Base Flood Elevation (BFE). Using advanced GPS equipment, B & R Design Group, will determine if your property and home fall within the floodplain. B & R Design Group has helped many homeowners determine if their homes are actually ìINî the floodplain. If they are not, B & R Design Group can prepare a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) to have the structure removed from the SFHA. Your lending institution may remove the requirement to purchase Flood Hazard Insurance if you have an approved LOMA.
If your home is determined to be in the FEMA floodplain, B & R Design Group can provide the surveying services necessary to complete an FEMA Elevation Certificate to help you try to reduce your insurance costs.
Please contact us to discuss your particular situation. For most cases, in just a few minutes over the phone, we can quickly determine if you are indeed in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) or if you are eligible to consider pursuing a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA).